
Table of Equations


  1. DEW Primer

8.1 Thermal Conduction

8.2 Thermal Diffusivity

8.3 Constant Surface Temperature Case

8.4 Convection

8.5 Vacuum Black Body Radiation

  1. DE Weapons, Projectiles, Damage 

9.1 Kinetic energy of an object

9.2 Newton’s law

9.3 Ratio of drag force to the force produced by dynamic pressure times the area.

9.4 Net Force

9.5 Delta velocity in – out

9.6 Universal Gravitation Law

9.7 Force during flight as a function of velocity and time

9.8 Constant mass m, Newton’s second law

9.9 Newton’s second law

9.10 Newton’s second law for bullet location (group)

9.11 Drag

9.12 Terminal velocity

9.13 Acceleration changes with time

9.14 Vertical ascent with time

9.15 Vertical Ascent solved

9.16 Maximum Vertical ascent

9.17 F net (drag)

9.18 Horizontal decent fix

  1. Hypersonic Drone Missiles

12.1 Speed of sound or Mach 1

12.2 Speed and Distance

12.3 General Thrust equation 

  1. Acoustic Weapons 

13.1 Decibel formula in terms of Power Level (PL)

13.2 Decibel formula in terms of Power Intensity Level (IL)

13.2 Decibel formula in terms of Sound Power Level (SPL)

13.4 Common format for Decibel formula in terms of Sound Power Level (SPL)

13.5 String’s resonant frequency (Fo)

13.6 Decibel formula for the relationship between SPL and Sound Amplitude

13.7 Decibel formula for the relationship between SPL and Sound Amplitude reference