
1 The Technological Future – Merging with Machines [Toebes]


  • Students shall comprehend the different forms of integration of the human body with machines.
  • Students shall understand the differences between Replacement of body parts, Augmentation to go beyond human limits and Simulation to fool our senses as well as our Connection to the machines of the world.



The world continues to evolve, and people have always sought to improve how to live and control their interactions with that changing world. With integration between the human body and the many machines that we create, we seek to improve both our longevity and how we experience and perceive everything around us.

This level of integration can be broken into three approaches: Replacement, Augmentation and Simulation. Each of these strategies affect our connection to the world.

In the simplest form, Replacement is about substitution of an external creation for a failing or missing part. From life sustaining parts such as artificial hearts to functional prosthetic limbs, the goal is to bring a body up to an expected level of performance.

Taking the next step with Augmentation is to make the replacement part perform a function better than what was originally done such as a bionic eye or to add a new function to the body such as infrared vision or magnetic sensing. It is worth noting that there is a fine line between Replacement and Augmentation based on the intention.

At the extreme, Simulation allows feeding external stimuli directly into the body fooling it into believing that something artificial is actually happening. While images of movies like The Matrix may come to mind, this last category is well entrenched in today’s youth through online gaming which strives to provide a more realistic and encompassing experience.

All of these strategies for integrating with the machines of the world are predicated on the human mind still being in control. Note that strategies with an Artificially Intelligent entity are addressed in the next chapter.



We have always had a need to replace the functionality of a lost body part to varying degrees. The most obvious being the loss of a limb being replaced by a prosthetic equivalent. It should be no surprise that the oldest known prosthetic is over 3,000 years old: the Greville Chester Great Toe [Figure 1‑1] (Daley, 2017) (Choi, 2007) (Dvorsky, 2017) which was made from wood and leather that was made for a 50-60 year old woman.  What is significant about this early prosthetic is that it was designed to operate like the body part it replaced unlike earlier ones which were just an imitation of the part but not functional and hence difficult to wear over an extended period.


Figure 11: Ancient Egyptian Prosthetic Toe

Figure 1 1: Ancient Egyptian Prosthetic Toe


Image: Dr Jacky Finch, courtesy of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Source: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/3g5JAizfnWiPduq9LSJxW8-1200-80.jpg.webp

Another early attempt at replacing a missing limb is the Capua Leg from 300 BC (Copy of Roman artificial leg, London, England, 1905-1915) which was created in bronze. While this was one of the earliest known leg prosthetics, the construction of it from bronze would have made it uncomfortable to wear. Although the original was destroyed during an Air Raid in World War II, modern 3D printing techniques have allowed researchers at the Peter Osypka Institute of Medical Engineering (Otte & Hazubski, 2019) to create a replica to understand how it originally operated.


Figure 12: Capua Leg – 300BC

Figure 1‑2: Capua Leg - 300BC


Credit: Copy of Roman artificial leg, London, England, 1905-1915. Science Museum, London.
Source: https://wellcomecollection.org/works/kyjgqfuh/images?id=ja6vhwvc



It is only in the past couple of decades that 3D printing has progressed to the level that it can be used to create replacement prosthetics. In fact, 3D printing has made it possible for the average person to create a viable substitute limb and digits. We have seen simple designs from six girls on a Girl Scouts based FIRST Lego League team (Iowa Girl Scouts, 2011) who created a prosthetic hand device to enable a 3-year old girl (Figure 1‑3) to write (Boyle, 2011).  (United States of America Patent No. 8,840,157, 2014)


Figure 13: Prosthetic Hand device to enable writing

Figure 1-3 Prosthetic Hand device to enable writing


Source:  (United States of America Patent No. 8,840,157, 2014)

Other robotics teams have created more complex designs working with the e-nable organization (Enabling The Future). Based on the e-nablev designs, a FIRST Robotics team of 25 high school students 3D printed a functioning prosthetic hand (Figure 1‑4). (FIRST Robotics, 2021)


Figure 14: 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand

Figure 1‑4: 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand



Source: https://community.firstinspires.org/hubfs/201224202633-01-high-school-robotics-custom-prosthesis-trnd-exlarge-169-1.jpg
From https://community.firstinspires.org/first-robotics-competition-team-creates-prosthetic-hand


Another group has taken the e-nable design to the next level creating an Iron Man themed functioning prosthetic arm (Figure 1‑5) (Grunewald, 2016). By creating a series of superhero themed prosthetic limbs, not only have the recipient gained use of a missing limb, the themed prosthetics often cause them to become the envy of their classmates.


Figure 15: 3D Printed parts for Iron Man Prosthetic Arm

Figure 1‑5: 3D Printed parts for Iron Man Prosthetic Arm


Source: https://3dprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/3dp_ironman_enable_parts-e1455887598231.jpg


An advantage of many of these 3D printed prosthetics is that they are inexpensive to manufacture and replace as well as simple to maintain because they rely on existing muscles to control them. However, other advancements in technology have allowed for much more complex control of the replacement parts. It is important to note that for much of the population, a high-quality prosthetic can be out of reach from a cost perspective. It is for this reason that there continues to be innovation in low-end and open-source technologies. Often work goes in both directions to produce high end prosthetics while at the same time using those learnings in order to produce a more cost-effective version.

It is also worth noting that people with replacement parts can perform at some of the highest levels of athletics. Already in the Paralympics we have competitors with prosthetic limbs or wheelchair bound coming close to or even beating Olympic times (Buchholz, 2021). In fact, the performance and perceived advantage of blade running athletes has led to the Olympics committee banning such athletes from competing against athletes without prosthetics, but a study published in the Royal Society Open Science shows that no such advantage exists. (Beck, Taboga, & Grabowski, 2022)  The fact that we are having to have this level of discussion attests to the advancement of Replacement and shows how we are very quickly moving into the realm of Augmentation.



As the technology for replacement of body parts goes beyond the simple mechanical replacement of a body part with another physical replica, the integration of the replacement into the body requires additional technologies applied. This is the realm of biomechatronics in which the biological and mechanical disciplines are combined. Sometimes the learnings from a full biomechatronic implementation can be used to benefit a fully mechanical implementation.

One such example is at MIT where work has been done at both ends of the spectrum. At one end we have the MIT Media Lab biomechatronics group (MIT Media Lab) which has done extensive research on the augmentation front in ways to power a prosthetic knee (MIT Media Lab) and even have engineers who have built their own bionic leg (MIT Media Lab, 2019).  At the other end of replacement, they also have teams creating a more cost-effective prosthetic knee which is powered only by springs and gears. (MIT News, 2015) (MIT GEAR Lab) (Chu, 2015)

In addition to MIT, some of the top biomechatronics researchers include the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (Shirley Ryan AbilityLab) the University of California at Berkeley (University of California at Berkeley), Stanford University (Stanford University), and University of Twente in the Netherlands (University of Twente, 2020).  These researchers have been focusing on the critical data gathering necessary to make functioning replacements. This data gathering includes analyzing the complex human motions, determining how to interface electronic components to the human nervous system and experimenting with living muscle tissues as potential actuators for electronic devices.



While replacement of missing limbs is one approach for allowing people to use them again, when a limb or part of the body becomes paralyzed, another approach to regain use is through an exoskeleton. While this seems like it may be a new technology, in fact the concept of an exoskeleton was first patented in 1890 by Russian inventor Nicholas Yagn (YAGN, 1890). This early exoskeleton was designed as an Augmentation to walking, running, and jumping powered by a combination of springs and compressed fluid. Almost 20 years later, Leslie Kelley patented the Pedomotor (Kelley, 1919) which used steam power to augment human motion with artificial ligaments. Since then, there have been many attempts at exoskeletons as can be seen in Figure 1‑6. (Qui, Pei, & Wang, 2022)


Figure 16: Historical Exoskeletons

Figure 1‑6: Historical Exoskeletons



Source: https://www.mdpi.com/applsci/applsci-11-00076/article_deploy/html/images/applsci-11-00076-g001.png
From: (de la Tejera, Bustamante-Bello, Ramirez-Mendoza, & Izquierdo-Reyes, 2020)



More modern research and development of exoskeletons can be split into either rehabilitation (e.g., Replacement) or assistance (Augmentation) (de la Tejera, Bustamante-Bello, Ramirez-Mendoza, & Izquierdo-Reyes, 2020). The Military is a major source of research into this technology both to provide recovery to veterans wounded on the battlefield and to augment the abilities of soldiers enabling them to carry more, move faster and avoid fatigue. Some of the recent efforts can be seen in Figure 1-7. (Qui, Pei, & Wang, 2022)


Figure 17: Timeline of Exoskeletons 2014-2020

Figure 1‑7: Timeline of Exoskeletons 2014-2020



Source: https://www.mdpi.com/applsci/applsci-11-00076/article_deploy/html/images/applsci-11-00076-g004.png
From (de la Tejera, Bustamante-Bello, Ramirez-Mendoza, & Izquierdo-Reyes, 2020) https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/1/76


While many of these exoskeletons are far beyond the reach of the average consumer, some of the research has resulted in products that are being targeted at people who wish to extend their travel and adventuring range. One such product is the Shift Robotics AI powered Moonwalker shoes which are designed to allow a person to walk 250% faster (Figure 1‑8). (Shift Robotics, 2023). Another crowdfunded product is also an AI powered device – the Hypershell Exoskeleton which is designed to give a person 25KM or range offsetting 30KG of weight. (Figure 1‑9) (Hypershell, 2023). In the mid-range offering is the suitX exoskeleton which both enables a paraplegic individual to walk (Ashley, 2017) and is targeted to industry to augment a person doing their daily tasks by reducing the muscle strain of heavy lifting and increasing the endurance of the individual using the suit. (Ottobock, 2021)

Figure 18: SHIFT MoonWalkers

Figure 1‑8: SHIFT MoonWalkers



Source: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0652/6238/7422/products/1.jpg
From: https://shiftrobotics.io/products/moonwalkers


Figure 19: Hypershell

Figure 1‑9: Hypershell


Source: https://c1.iggcdn.com/indiegogo-media-prod-cld/image/upload/c_limit,w_695/v1679988592/srxnwvrvzcj3bbhn03tv.png
From: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hypershell-exoskeleton-for-everyday-adventure–2



No discussion of exoskeletons can be had without looking at the giant robots that are created for recreational purposes. Although not technically an exoskeleton, the largest moving robot mech in the world is the 18 meter (59ft) tall “life-size” Gundam RX-78 (Figure 1‑10) in Yokohama, Japan (Japan, 2020). For Transformers fans, The J-deite RIDE is a 4 meter (13 foot) tall transforming robot that converts from a drivable car to a walking robot (Figure 1‑11). (BRAVE ROBOTICS Inc., 2018)


Figure 110: Gundam Factory Moving RX-78 Gundam

Figure 1‑10: Gundam Factory Moving RX-78 Gundam


Source: https://gundam-factory.net/images/gallery/second/second_006.jpg
From: https://gundam-factory.net/gallery/2nd_anniv/


Figure 111: J-diete Ride Transforming Robot

Figure 1‑11: J-diete Ride Transforming Robot


Source: https://j-deite.jp/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/P1190431-2.jpg
From: https://j-deite.jp/en/portfolio_page/j-deite-ride/

When someone wants to push the limits of an exoskeleton, think no further than what was built to compete in a robot duel. At 13 feet tall, weighing in at 4 metric tons (12,000 pounds) Kuratas (Kuritas, 2023) (HT Tech, 2021) was built by the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry (Figure 1‑12) .  Kuritas participated in a match defeating Megabots Mark II and then tap out when Megabots Eagle One’s chainsaw ripped into Kuritas’s arm on October 17, 2017 (Carter, 2017). For a while they even offered the robot for sale on Amazon in Japan for the tidy sum of 120 million yen (US$1,008,000). (Baseel, 2015)


Figure 112: Kuratas

Figure 1‑12: Kuratas


Source: https://images.hindustantimes.com/tech/img/2021/05/14/960×540/965492_Wallpaper2_1621008380272.jpg
From: https://tech.hindustantimes.com/photos/kuratas-japan-s-futuristic-robot-photo-62Ez674kIU0EyCkfrFGTUK.html


Another exoskeleton robot was built by Taguchi Industrial Co., Ltd – the Super Guzzilla (Figure 1‑13) which features their Guzzilla series concrete crusher claws. (Taguchi Industrial, 2023).  This robot stands four meters (13.1 feet) tall and weighs 15 metric tons (33,000 pounds). When members of the public were given an opportunity to sit inside Super Guzzilla, they were given a virtual experience through an Oculus Rift VR headset with the actual robot controls driving the virtual robot. (Baseel, 2015)

Figure 113: Super Guzzilla

Figure 1‑13: Super Guzzilla


Source: https://soranews24.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/07/gr-3.jpg
From: https://soranews24.com/2015/07/19/you-can-take-this-33000-pound-robot-for-a-virtual-test-drive-watch-it-dance-to-j-pop-%E3%80%90video%E3%80%91/



Where prosthetics get to be more interesting is when they are used to add an additional body part to assist in a function. Anyone who has soldered an electronic circuit has always wished for a third hand. For those wanting an extra thumb, Dani Clode at Cambridge University created a 3D-printed thumb that can be added to any hand. (Amoruso, et al., 2022) (Figure 1‑14). Other uses envisioned are a surgeon who wants to hold a camera while doing shoulder surgery so that they can control where it points instead of having to rely on an assistant. (Davis, 2023)


Figure 114: Extra thumb – Photograph: Tom Stewart

Figure 1-14 Extra thumb - Photograph Tom Stewart.png revised


Source: (Amoruso, et al., 2022)
via Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License



While prosthetics and exoskeletons can help with a missing or non-functioning limb, internal organs require a completely different approach for replacement. Transplanting an organ from another human requires careful type matching and immunosuppression treatment in order to prevent rejection of that organ. Some inroads in a machine to replace an organ have been made for the heart as well as external organs such as the kidney with a dialysis machine. However, the advent of rapid prototyping and bio materials offers an opportunity to create replacement organs which can be created from the recipient’s own cells. (Wang, 2019) (Wikipedia, 2023)

The bioengineers at Stanford University have been looking at how to approach building a human heart. (Levin, 2022) They start with modified stem cells processed through a centrifuge into a paste-like substance that is then printed into a gelatinous 3D structure (Figure 1‑15). While the bio printers being used at the research level can be quite costly, a team of students from Ludwigs-Maximillians-Universität and the Technische Universität München won the 2016 Hackaday Prize when they repurposed a low-end Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer with a syringe to show how it can be used for 3D Bioprinting. (Hofmann, 2016).  In 2012, students in the University of Patras, Greece collaborated in modifying an Anet A8 3D printer (Figure 1‑16) to 3D print stem cells cultivated from wild mice. (Melanie, Markus, Phillipp, & Oliver, 2019)


Figure 115: 3D bioprinter printing a sample. (Image credit: Andrew Brodhead)

Figure 1-15 3D bioprinter printing a sample (Image credit Andrew Brodhead)


Source: https://news.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/20220204_3D_Bioprinting_N6A8376.jpg
From: https://news.stanford.edu/2022/03/14/building-heart-one-layer-time/


Figure 116: 3D Printing mice stem cells on an Anet A8 printer


Figure 1‑16: 3D Printing mice stem cells on an Anet A8 printer


Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/580889/fbioe-08-580889-HTML-r2/image_m/fbioe-08-580889-g001.jpg
From: (Melanie, Markus, Phillipp, & Oliver, 2019)



It is one thing to manufacture a part outside the body and insert it, but we want to think about how machines could inhabit our body and automatically repair it. One approach to repairing the body is the use of hydrogels that are injected into targeted areas to assist the natural body repair mechanisms or even replace diseased tissues. Researchers at MIT and Harvard university have been working on models for how these granular hydrogels can be used both in 3D Bioprinting and injected into tissue. (Trafton, 2023) (Verheyen, Uzel, Kurum, Roche, & Lewis, 20223)

The next step is to have the 3D printer work inside the body to 3D print living cells directly on top of an organ. Researchers as UNSW Sydney Australia have developed 3D printer with a soft printer head (Figure 1‑17) that can be inserted endoscopically and print directly inside the body. (Firtina, 2023)(Thai, et al., 2023)


Figure 117: 3D Printing inside the body

Figure 1‑17: 3D Printing inside the body



Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/cms/asset/9c5f5c50-5e03-4ef7-8ef6-d0f029f16ab4/advs5284-fig-0001-m.jpg
From: (Thai, et al., 2023)

The extreme version of this is a series of tiny machines that live in our body fixing whatever they find is wrong. This is the realm of Nanorobotics (Nanorobotics, 2023) and Nanomedicine (Nanomedicine, 2023) with active research driven by the National Nanotechnology Initiative (National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, 2023).  While a general purpose nanobot for the human body is not currently available, this targeted research includes using nanoparticles to deliver medication directly to cancer cells (Aggarwal & Kumar, 2022) and regeneration of bone and tissue. (National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, 2023)

In order to perform their functions, these nanoscale robotic devices need to be able to move effectively through the body. There are multiple strategies for creating these nanomotors including 3D Printing, microfluid spinning, integration of biological and synthetic materials and using a porous polymer template as a scaffold  (Figure 1‑18) (Liu, Gao, & Peng, 2022).  In addition to being able to move through the body to target a particular cell or set of cells, nanoscale robots can also be used to help regulate the growth and differentiation of cells.


Figure 118: Micro/nanomotors in Regenerative Medicine


Figure 1‑18: Micro/nanomotors in Regenerative Medicine


Source: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S2590049822000777-gr1_lrg.jpg
From: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590049822000777

Another approach for nanorobots in the body is to provide the power from outside the body in order to control where the treatment is to be applied. (Soon, et al., 2023).  These untethered robots can be directed to a specific location with one frequency of a magnetic field and then switch into a heating mode when a higher frequency is applied.  (Figure 1‑19)


Figure 119: Pangolin-inspired RF heating mechanism for untethered magnetic robots



Figure 1‑19: Pangolin-inspired RF heating mechanism for untethered magnetic robots


Source: https://media.springernature.com/full/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-023-38689-x/MediaObjects/41467_2023_38689_Fig1_HTML.png
From: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38689-x



Instead of waiting for the mainstream to catch up, some individuals have chosen to modify their own body in a process known as biohacking which involves the process of infusing technological components into the body or by introducing chemical components in order to modify DNA.  What is key here is that these modifications are done using therapies and technology which has not gone through any governmental certification.



Implanting a device or magnet into an arm or hand is one of the simplest forms of biohacking. Steve Haworth is considered a pioneer in the field, implanting magnets into his body over 30 years ago and creating instruments for others to follow in his path. (Haworth, 2023) With a magnet, the individual can sense other magnetic objects and fields (including microwaves) and pick up small pieces of metal (Figure 1‑20). A challenge with implanting magnets is that they can degrade over time reducing the function of the magnet and the sense that it brings. (Robertson, 2017).

Figure 120: Picking up a paper clip with an implanted magnet


By 1mrln – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=115315463

A similar problem comes when embedding an RFID tag or other Near Field technology. A Hackaday.io  project from 2014 promises to turn you into a “bionic superhero” by implanting a small device into the arm to provide communication with the outside world. (txyz.info, 2014).  It is also possible to purchase an NFC Implant for under the skin – a crowdfunded Indegogo campaign in 2013 resulted in the production of the Dangerous Things xNT NFC chip implant that allows sharing data with NFC enabled smart phones (Dangerous Things, 2019).  However, as the technology of the world continues to evolve, the implanted device is limited to accessing devices of the era when it was first implanted. For a person to be able to use their hand to pay for something in a contactless manner requires both a change in technology and agreements with the EMV contactless payment companies. (Graafstra, 2017)

Another problem to be aware of with any device under the skin is the potential for damage to the device or the body around it. After biohacker Lepht Anonym had a file sharing device with a WiFi antenna implanted in her arm, she accidentally damaged it when she hit her arm on the door of a taxi and had to have it removed because of the irritation to her skin. (Teresa, 2022).


Figure 121: Project Bionic Yourself (B10N1C) implant in arm

Figure 1‑21: Project Bionic Yourself (B10N1C) implant in arm



Source: https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/7176431409665975009.jpg
From: https://hackaday.io/project/2736-bionic-yourself-v20

When thinking about device obsolescence, in 2015 the World Economic Forum published a report expecting that implantable cell phones will be commercially available by 2023. (Global Agenda Councel on the Future of Software & Society, 2015).  While that hasn’t happened, Marty Cooper, who is credited with inventing the first phone in 1973, recently stated that one day we will have phone devices embedded under our skin. (Browne, 2023).  We shall leave what happens when it is time to upgrade the device as an exercise for the reader.



With implanted devices, there is always the option to remove the device. Another approach to biohacking is to target changing the body DNA. Despite all the peril of this form of DIY Gene Therapy, people continue to experiment with it, but often with disastrous results. (Schroeder, 2022) (Zhang, 2018).  The use of CRISPR has made it easier for individuals to experiment with genetic engineering to the point that California has clamped down on the sale of kits for injection into individuals. To avoid such government oversight, a biotech startup called Minicircle that wants do to a clinical trial of gene therapy aimed at increasing longevity turned to using NFTs for access to trials in an experimental crypto city in Próspera, Honduras. (Clarke, 2023)



Not every connection to the machines around us requires implanting or modifying the body. Some technology can be done directly through the skin. Users of smart watches are already familiar with the ability to monitor body functions (heart rate, sleep tracking, blood oxygen and temperature). Another way to connect to the outside world is through a tattoo constructed of nanowires on top of a graphene aerogel conductive ink to allow for passive wireless communication to nearby devices without the need for an external power source similar to an RFID tag (Goth, 2023).

For detailed monitoring of muscle activity such as tracking a sports injury or the progress of a disease, researchers from six universities collaborated to create a soft wearable ultrasound sensor (Figure 1‑22) that can monitor over an inch and a half deep into the skin. (Halfacree, 2023)


Figure 122: Wearable Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 1‑22: Wearable Ultrasonic Sensor



Source: https://hackster.imgix.net/uploads/attachments/1586951/image_WeqaxmgaNW.png
From: https://www.hackster.io/news/a-soft-wearable-ultrasound-sensor-peers-deep-under-your-skin-to-monitor-muscles-and-more-4e349a63eb16



The ultimate interface to the machines of the world is being able to control it with our thoughts. One of the most promising: Mary Lou Jepsen’s OpenWater mind reader is a non-invasive technology that uses light to reconstruct the activity in the brain. (Fazekas, How does OpenWater’s mind reader work?!, 2019).  This allows for a form of telepathy such that thoughts of one individual can be transmitted to another. (Sánchez, 2023).  An early experiment showing that this is possible was done in Barcelona in 2014 in which information read from one subject’s brain was encoded as a Baconian cipher encoded information and transmitted to another subject over 7,000 kilometers away to be successfully received. (Figure 1‑23) (Grau, et al., 2014)

Figure 123: 2014 Telepathy Experiment

Figure 1‑23: 2014 Telepathy Experiment



From:  (Grau, et al., 2014)


Over 10 years ago, Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have shown that using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) combined with some specialized computational models, they were able to reconstruct movie clips of what the person is viewing. (Anwar, 2011).  More recently, researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne were able to use AI to predict (Schneider, Lee, & Mathis, 2023) the next frame in a video by monitoring the brains of mice watching the film. (Sharma, 2023)

More recently, the advances in A.I. Large language Models have enabled scientists to use non-invasive brain imaging to reveal the movies in our mind. By recording brain activity while a subject watches a movie the A.I. (based on GPT-1) can construct sentences which describe what the person is seeing. To be successful, it does require cooperation of the subject both during the training session and when determining what they are watching. (Whang, 2023)

Figure 124: Language Decoder for LLM A.I.

Figure 1‑24: Language Decoder for LLM A.I.


Source: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2022/09/29/2022.09.29.509744/F1.large.jpg (Tang, LeBel, Jain, & Huth, 2022)


Elon Musk has taken a more invasive approach to mind reading with the Neuralink device. It consists of a battery-operated device (rechargeable from outside the body) with 1024 electrodes that record neural activity. These electrodes are so fine that it requires a custom surgical robot to perform the implant operation. (Figure 1‑25) (Fazekas, Neuralink, OpenWater, DARPA N3, aka how far is the full-immersive (MATRIX style) virtual reality?!, 2019). The FDA has approved the Neuralink for clinical studios (Levy, Taylor, & Sharma, 2023) but nobody has reported being implanted yet.

Figure 125: Neuralink insertion robot

Figure 1‑25: Neuralink insertion robot


Source: https://miro.medium.com/v2/1*h6tAKQO9DdQxC3KCd1wYDA.png
From: https://thebojda.medium.com/neuralink-openwater-darpa-n3-aka-how-far-is-the-full-immersive-matrix-style-virtual-reality-2f5576fa343c



Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Vision


While the brain interface is still in development, Augmented/Virtual Reality hardware and applications are in active development. From a visual perspective with AR, the user gets to see virtual objects and information overlaid on top of the real-world environment. A key feature to make this work is processing power to track the eye and head movements to ensure that the overlaid information matches with the physical world. Switching to a VR mode involves cutting off the visible portions of the real world and replacing it with a completely synthetic world.

With an initial focus on gaming there are four major players in the AR/VR vision market today:

  1. Microsoft HoloLens 2 – These goggles provide hand tracking, eye tracking and spatial mapping of the environment to allow the user to see and interact with virtual objects in the real environment. (Microsoft, 2023)
  2. Magic Leap ML2 – Currently the lightest of the goggles, it also provides a dimming mode which allow highlighting the virtual objects in an AR mode.(Magic Leap 2, 2023)
  3. Meta Quest Pro – Focused more heavily as a VR platform to allow users to collaborate in a Mixed Reality environment (Meta Quest Pro, 2023)
  4. Apple Vision Pro – The newest platform which hasn’t been released yet, it focuses on merging digital content into your physical space, offering multiple virtual monitors to interact with content (Apple Vision Pro, 2023)

The use of AR goggles isn’t necessarily limited to what a user can see. Researchers at MIT have modified a Microsoft Hololens headset to provide the wearer with a form of X-Ray Vision to enable the retail and warehouse workers locate items much faster. (LANDYMORE, 2023)

Another specialized form of Virtual Reality is the Sol Reader which focuses solely on providing an environment simply to read a book blocking out everything else. (Kamp, 2023)



While VR goggles can go a long way to immersing a person in an environment, the other senses need to perceive being there. Sound is the easiest through headphones giving spatial audio so that the user perceives the location of the object which makes the sound.

Motion in a VR world is one of the more challenging to pull off. To this end, there are multiple companies creating VR treadmills (Figure 1‑26) which allow users to move around freely in a virtual environment while keeping them in the same safe location in the physical world. (Virtuix Omni One, 2023).  These devices work by tethering the user on top of a platform which allows the user to walk, run, jump, and even swim by tracking the motion of the arms and legs.


Figure 126: Virtuix Omni One VR Treadmill



Source: https://omni.virtuix.com/images/virtuix_o1_crouched.jpg
From: https://omni.virtuix.com/

For touch, there are haptic gloves which not only track the hand motion but can provide tactile feedback so that the wearer can sense the objects that they are touching in the virtual world. (HaptX Gloves G1, 2023) (Figure 1‑27). To fully experience the pressure and sounds of the environment, users can wear a haptic vest with speakers and motors and even electric shocks to provide feedback to other parts of the body, including a sensation of being attacked while playing a game. (Wöbbeking, 2023)


Figure 127: Haptx Force Feedback VR Gloves

Figure 1‑27: Haptx Force Feedback VR Gloves


Source: https://haptx.com/wp-content/uploads/Glove_Only-1200×1200.jpg
From: https://haptx.com/


The hardest sense to fool is smell. This concept of “smell-o-vision” is difficult to accomplish because of the wide range of chemicals which the human nose can distinguish. As such, most attempts to provide scent to VR involve a limited number of scents typically generated by heating a scented wax. (Donlevy, 2023) (Whit, 2023)

The last sense of course is taste. Unfortunately taste depends very heavily on the sense of smell in addition to the sensors in the tongue. A leading researcher Nimesha Ranasinghe at the University of Maine has been fooling the tongue through the use of electrodes stimulating specific parts of the tongue. (Using Electric Currents to Fool Ourselves Into Tasting Something We’re Not, 2017).



These technologies combine to provide for the ultimate pairing of humans and machines – an avatar that allows a human to be tele-present in a robot at a separate location. This is a VR environment for a person which is fed by sensors on the remote robot. This avatar is useful in environments where a human could not survive, such as deep under water, in the vacuum of space, or on a remote planet with a hostile environment.

Recognizing the need for the technology, the XPrize foundation held an Avatar competition with $10M in prize money (XPrize Avatar Competition, 2023). In November 2022, 17 teams from around the world competed with judges operating the telepresence robots in a simulated space station on an alien planet. The judge had to use the avatar to complete tasks including flipping switches, navigating an obstacle course, identifying a container by wright, operate a drill and even determine whether a rock is smooth or rough by touch. (Ackerman, 2023)


Figure 128: NimbRo XPRIZE Avatar Finals Operator Station

Figure 1‑28: NimbRo XPRIZE Avatar Finals Operator Station


Source: http://nimbro.net/AVATAR/images/NimbRo_Avatar_2022_11_05_Finals_Day_2_Operator_Station.jpg
From: http://nimbro.net/AVATAR/



There are many ways in which we can integrate with the machines and computers of the world. Advancements  in A.I and 3D Printing over the past decade have accelerated the rate at which we replace, augment, and connect our bodies to connect with the world.



How do you draw the line for when a Replacement part becomes an Augmentation?
At what point in time does the ability an Augmentation provides become a concern for society?



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Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats Copyright © 2023 by Nichols, R. K.; Carter, C.M., Diebold, C., Drew, J. , Farcot, M., Hood, J.P, Jackson, M.J., Johnson, P., Joseph, S., Khan, S., Lonstein, W.D., McCreight, R., Muehlfelder, T., Mumm, H.C., Ryan, J.C.H., Sincavage, S. M., Slofer, W., & Toebes, J. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.