




Nichols; Carter, Hood, Jackson, Joseph, Larson, Lonstein, Mai,

McCreight, Mumm, Oetken, Pritchard, Ryan, Sincavage, Slofer



Rev 05A 07072022




From Professor Randall K. Nichols:

I dedicate this book to All USA serving and retired military personnel, USA Coast Guard, and federal and state law enforcement for keeping our blessed country safe; to my Angel wife of 38 years, Montine, and children Robin, Kent, Phillip (USA Army), Diana (USA Army), and Michelle who have lived with a Dragon and survived; to our newest family member Kira Nichols (Phillip’s wife); and finally, to all my students (over 50 years ~10,000 Dragons / Dragonesses in the field) who are securing our blessed United States from terrorism and evil.

In addition, in 2017, 17 sailors died because of two separate collisions involving US Navy warships in the South China Seas, the USS Fitzgerald, and the USS John S. McCain. In my professional opinion, the US Navy’s official response was insufficient regarding real causes. Since 2017, I have dedicated my research to giving purpose, closure, truth, and voice to the families of these Honorable sailors. God grant them peace.

I dedicate my writing to the Ukrainian people suffering and fighting with such bravery against overwhelming Russian savagery in a war they did not choose.

Lastly, my deepest gratitude to my wonderful, talented Wildcat writing team. It has been a real Honor. My chapter on this earth is closing, and I have been truly blessed to work with you. My cup runneth over.

From Dr. Suzanne Sincavage:

I want to dedicate my research to the men and women who are devoted to biodefense intelligence and the non-proliferation of WMDs; To Professor Randall Nichols for his leadership, mentorship, integrity, and significant contributions to the field of unmanned systems, I’m honored to be a part of your amazing team; To my sons Trevor Muehlfelder, Cole Muehlfelder and David Sincavage III for their loving encouragement and support; To Dr. Steve Herrick, who changed the trajectory of my life, To Candice Carter, a true friend and co-author, her devotion to biodefense research are invaluable; and  Michelle Jackson, a long-time friend, who introduced me to the managing Dragon.


From Dr. Hans C.  Mumm:

I dedicate this work to my students and colleagues and all those innovators, those dreamers who race against time as they create an ever-changing and evolving future in ways that we cannot even imagine today. Your dedication to the field of autonomous systems will bring about positive change to the world landscape and humankind.

From Wayne D. Lonstein, Esq.:

I dedicate this work to my wife and best friend Julie, my sons Ethan, Ari, and Sam, extended family and co-workers, and co-authors from whom I have learned so much. To all those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving this nation and those who have, are, or will serve in our armed forces, police, fire, and other emergency functions and their families who silently sacrifice. May our work in some way help you perform your duties more effectively and safely, and through your service, may the world become a more peaceful and harmonious place for all.

From Dr. Julie J. C. H. Ryan:


I dedicate this work to my husband, Dan, and my students, who have taught me so much.


From Professor Candice Carter:


I dedicate this work to an exceptional leader, mentor, and master of Bushido, Professor Randall Nichols. His commitment to training dragons to succeed in asymmetric warfare and life is unprecedented. I am honored to be a lifetime dragoness trained by the master of Nito Ichi Ryu Ni To.


From CPT John-Paul Hood:


I dedicate this work to my loving and supportive wife, Katie, my two daughters, Evelyn and Gwendolyn, and my extended family. They continue to support me through this journey. Thank you for your love, encouragement, and presence in my life.


From Dr. Mark J. Jackson:

I dedicate my chapter to my wife, Deborah, and the memory of my great-uncle, Captain George Richards, a founding officer of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers of the British Army. After initially serving in the British Expeditionary Force (Royal Engineers) in France from 1940 – to 1941, he quickly rose through the ranks, promoted to captain in 1942, initially serving as an officer in the Royal Engineers, then transferred to the newly formed Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers specializing in the construction of Bailey bridges in North Africa. Captured in Libya by the German Afrika Corps, he became a prisoner-of-war at Oflag IV located in Colditz, Germany.  After demobilization, he became a chartered mechanical engineer working for Imperial Chemical Industries but continued to build model Bailey bridges with his children and nephews.


From Randall W. Mai:

I dedicate my work to my late mother, Dorothy M. Thrasher, and my two daughters, Courtney J. Oswald and Katherine M. Mai.  My mother’s never-ending support and care kept me going.  She was my biggest cheerleader.  Without her encouragement, my life would have taken a much different trajectory.  My daughters impacted my life, and now my heart will forever walk around outside me.  They are my true mark on this world.  I hope they will always believe in themselves and know they can accomplish whatever they set their minds on. My family has grown. To my blessed group comes a granddaughter, Olivia Jeannine Oswald. My cup runneth over.   And lastly, Professor Nichols has become a valued mentor and true friend.  He has helped me establish balance and pulled from me accomplishments I never thought possible.  Thank you, Professor Nichols.


From Dr. Robert McCreight:

I dedicate my chapter to all US service personnel who fought in, or supported, combat operations with unflagging thanks to their families for the sacrifice that cannot be measured. Honorable military service must be acknowledged and respected as a tireless effort to keep our nation safe and secure tomorrow’s peace as a sacred duty.

There are sincere thanks to serious professional and dedicated members of law enforcement whose daily routine involves our first line of domestic security and societal stability.  These unselfish warriors and police never get the full thanks and gratitude they genuinely deserve. Thanks, and a salute from a grateful nation


From William Slofer:

I would like to give thanks to God for giving my parents the wisdom and
discernment to consistently send me to the library to find answers to my
The Endless Parade of questions that they could not answer.  I also want to give
a special thanks to my daughter, who continued to encourage me through my
journey as a life-long learner and the few friends that have been by my side
Through thick and thin.  That support and encouragement has truly made the
Difference. Thank you one and all.

From: Professor Michael L. Oetken


I dedicate this work to my loving wife Dr. Jeridy Oetken, my children, Emily, Bethany, and Chase, and my parents Dellane and Carolyn. You have all given me the strength, courage, and determination to pursue my goals and aspirations throughout my career in industry and academia. Jeridy, my wife of over 25 years, you are my foundation and compass in life. Thank you for being my co-pilot in all our adventures together.


From: Dr. Siny Joseph

I would like to dedicate this book chapter to my parents Colonel A. V. Joseph (retired) and Lisa Joseph, without their sacrifices and dedication, I would never be what I am, my best friend and brother George Aikara, who inspires and amazes me every single day, my mentors on whose giant shoulders I stand, my students who motivate me to give my best, my biggest cheerleading twin daughters Sanya and Tanya Namboodiri who breathe life into me and make it all meaningful, and lastly, my husband Dr. Vinod Namboodiri, who challenges, pushes and enables me to do and be better, and takes greater pride in my achievements than his own!



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UNMANNED VEHICLE SYSTEMS & OPERATIONS ON AIR, SEA, LAND Copyright © 2020 by Professor Randall K. Nichols is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.