
Laboratory Reports


For some laboratories you will be submitting a laboratory report. These reports help reinforce the course goals and the specific learning objectives for each laboratory activity. The reports also provide an opportunity for feedback and helps develop communication skills. The format and contents of laboratory reports is described below. Note that for laboratories in Site Evaluation and Soil Health Assessment you will complete a single report, Site Evaluation and Soil Health Assessment Report. Also note that Virtual Field Trips and Interviews each have an associated discussion for an assessment rather than laboratory reports.

Laboratory Report Components

Each laboratory report should include the following components unless otherwise specified. Points allocated to each component may vary as necessary.


Include your first and last name.

Laboratory Number and Title

List the laboratory number and title. For example: “Laboratory 4 – Soil Health Assessment 2: Infiltration, Surface Crusts, Soil Structure, and Water Stable Aggregates”.

Date the Exercise was Conducted

Identify the day you conducted the laboratory exercise. Note, this is likely different than the date you submit the report. Do not include the date of submission, as that will be identified in the learning management system.


Provide a brief (one to two paragraph) introduction to the laboratory exercise. Explain the importance or significance of the procedure(s) being performed.


Write a concise yet detailed summary of the methods used for the laboratory exercise written in your own words. The methods should contain enough detail that you could use it to perform the same activity again using only your written summary of the methods.


Present your raw data in one or more organized tables. You may use the data sheets provided in the laboratory manual. You are also welcome to format or organize your data in a logical way that is more useful to you and is able to be appropriately interpreted by your instructor.

Responses to Questions

In lieu of a traditional results section you will instead respond to a series of questions posed at the end of each laboratory exercise. In some cases these questions will require data analysis, presentation of data in summary tables and/or well-designed figures, or exploration of additional resources and scientific literature. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. Contact the instructor with any questions.


Provide a list of all references that were cited within the text of your report. Citations should follow the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Style Guide (Soil and Water Conservation Society 2023) which is based on the Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press 2017). References cited in this laboratory manual are cited according to the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Style Guide.

Supplemental Information

Include additional resources that may be relevant to your report as needed. One example is pictures taken during the laboratory exercise. Another example is noting any recent weather or site conditions that may influence the results.


Soil and Water Conservation Society. 2023. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Style Guide. Soil and Water Conservation Society. https://www.jswconline.org/sites/default/files/additional-assets/Author%20Info/Style_Guide-2021.pdf.
University of Chicago Press. 2017. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org.