Table of Tables

Table of Tables


  1. Wargaming with Artificial Intelligence (DeMaio)
  1. Mobility (Murthy)

Table 2-1: Personal Wireless Communications

Table 2-2: Hybrid Wireless Communications

Table 2-3: Short Distance Communications

Table 2-4: Regional /Coverage Wireless Communications

Table 2-5: Low Data Rates, Long-Range Wireless Communications

Table 2-6: Long Distance Wireless Communications

Table 2-7: Wireless Communications Hierarchical Architecture

Table 2-8: Cellular Network Architecture Evolution

  1. Dancing With The Devil: V/R Serpents And The Metaverse Playground (McCreight)
  2. Principles and Practice of Plain Language Protocols: Helping Human Readers Find, Understand, and Use Important Information (Ackerman) 

Table 4-1: U.S. Government Plain Language Landmarks. 2024

  1. IoT Insecurities of Things (Murthy)

Table 5-1: IoT Domains v. Smart Infrastructure

Table 5-2: Contrast of Different Definitions of IoT

Table 5-3: Use Of Multiple Methods To Arrive At Holistic Approach:

  1. Advanced Robotics – Transforming Humanity: The Autonomous Systems Shaping our Future (Mumm)
  2. The Intersection of Biotechnology and AI (Sincavage & Muehlfelder & Carter)
  3. Leveraging Advanced Technologies to Enhance Food Production (Larson)

Table 8-1. Digital agriculture technologies with transformative potential in agriculture to cover the whole food production system (Khan et al., 2021)

  1. A Systems Dynamics View of Humanitarian Efforts (Ryan)

Table 9-1: Simplified Data Illustrating the Effects of a Positive Feedback Loop

  1. Look Before You Leap Demystifying Quantum Computing’s Enigmatic Frontier (Sharkey)
  2. Social Media Influence & Humanity: Has it Worn Out its Welcome? (Lonstein)
  3. Feed the Planet (Knaple)


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Advanced Technologies for Humanity Copyright © 2024 by Nichols, R.K.; Ackerman, P.E, Andrews, E., Carter, C.M., DeMaio, D.D., Knaple, B.S.,  Larson, H., Lonstein, W.D., McCreight, R., Muehlfelder, T., Mumm, H.C., Murthy, R., Ryan, J.J.C.H., Sharkey, K.L., Sincavage, S.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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