Table of Contents – Detailed

Table of Contents – Detailed

Front Matter (Nichols)

Title Page

Cover Art (Sincavage & Muehlfelder)

Copyright / Publication Page

Books also by Senior Professor of Practice Randall K. Nichols and the KSU Wildcat Team


Disclaimers (Lonstein)

Foreword  (Lt. Col. USAF (ret) Snowden)

Preface  & Introduction (JJCH Ryan)


List of Contributors

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Table of Contents

Table of Figures

Table of Tables



  1. Wargaming with Artificial Intelligence (DeMaio)

Student Learning Objectives

History Deleted

Intelligence and Wisdom

The OODA Loop

War Plan Orange

The Battlespace


Air University

Way Ahead and Conclusions


  1. Mobility (Murthy)


Understanding Mobility

Cellular Networks



Satellite Communication


Understanding Cellular Internet Connectivity

Mobile Stations (M.S.)

Radio Access Network (RAN)

Core Network (C.N.)

Gateway to External Networks

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet Exchange Points (IXP)

Additional Concerns

I.P. Address Assignment

Data Transmission

Security and Authentication

Cellular Connectivity and Flow

From Mobile Device to RAN

From RAN to Mobile Core Network

From Mobile Core Network to ISP

From ISP to IXP

From IXP to Cloud and Applications

Holistic View Of Network Architecture

Space and Mobile Networks



DISN (Defense Information Systems Network)


NAP (Network Access Point)

Tier-1 ISPs

IXPs (Internet Exchange Points)

Tier-2/Regional ISPs

Access Providers

Customer Networks

Community Networks

5G Standalone Private Networks

Smart Factories xSP

Smart City xSP

Smart Grid xSP

Cloud and Content Providers


Content Provider

Key Points of Connectivity



End Notes

  1. Dancing With The Devil: V/R Serpents And The Metaverse Playground (McCreight)

Student Learning Objectives

Through The Looking Glass: What You See Is What You Get

Seeing Is Believing: Reality Is One Thing While Aspirations Are Quite Another

Escaping Reality And Dwelling In Another Reality—Good Or Bad?

Shotgun Wedding?—Ai Mated With The Metaverse

Societal Wellbeing And Risking The Devil Dance

V/R And Metaverse Pros And Cons—As If That Criteria Mattered

Defining What Is Real And What Isn’t Becomes An Arcane Puzzle.

National Security & Threat Dynamics—Dance Of Death?

Death Spiral Of The Devil Dance—Is There Rore?




  1. Principles and Practice of Plain Language Protocols: Helping Human Readers Find, Understand, and Use Important Information (Ackerman)

Student Learning Objectives

Academic Writing

Discussion Questions

Technical Writing

Readability Analysis

What makes a document “readable?” Why does it matter?

Fleisch-Kincaid Readability Analysis Formulas

Rudolph Flesch

Flesch Reading Ease Score Interpretation

Examples of publications analyzed using the Flesch Reading Ease Score:

U.S. Grade-level Readability Score

John P. Kincaid (et al.)

Flesh-Kincaid Grade Level Readability Score

Technological Advancements

History of U.S. Government Implementation of Plain Language Protocols

U.S. Government Plain Language Guidelines & Resources

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Aviation Administration Plain Language Guidelines

FAA Plain Language Toolkit

FAA Plain Language Order (FAA 2003 Writing Standards)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

United States Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Defense Plain Language Guidelines

DoD Plain Language Instruction Program

National Archives and Records Administration

Federal Aviation Administration

Plain Language Tool Kit

Before You Write / Your Reader Says

Your Goals / Your Values

Format Tools  / Word Tools

Short Sentences / Everyday Words

Headings / Use Pronouns

Tables / Active Voice

Relevant Illustrations / Active Verbs

Short Paragraphs / Present Tense

Layout / Contractions

Vertical lists / Acronyms

Blank Space / Less Jargon

NO “shall”

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Plain Language Action and Information Network

Implications For Future Online Communication



  1. IoT- Insecurities of Things (Murthy)


Defining IoT

Cross-Layer Functions

Understanding Human-Centric Technology Security

Privacy and Data Protection

Equity and Access

Resilience and Reliability

Ethical Use and Impact

Environmental Impact

Collaborative Governance and Accountability

Stakeholder Engagement and Community Involvement

Suez Canal Incident

Reconstruction of Events

Communication Issues

Environmental Data Integration

Application of STPA to Improve Decision-Making Under Extreme Weather Conditions

Step 1: Define the Purpose and Scope

Step 2: Identify Potential Hazards

Step 3: Identify Unsafe Control Actions (UCAs)

Step 4: Develop a Control Structure

Step 5: Analyze the Control Structure for Unsafe Control Actions

Step 6: Identify and Implement Safety Constraints

High-Level Architectural Enhancements

Perception Layer (with Security and Observability considerations)

Network Layer (with Security and Resilience considerations)

Fusion Layer (with Governance, Risk and Compliance considerations)

Processing Layer (with Governance, Risk, and Compliance considerations)

Services Layer (with Security and Governance considerations)

Experience Layer (with Security considerations)

Interaction Layer

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Security, Privacy, and Trust



End Notes

  1. Advanced Robotics – Transforming Humanity: The Autonomous Systems Shaping our Future (Mumm)

Student Learning Objectives

A Look Back in History and Humanity’s Desire to Integrate Technology

Our Current Reality: Is It the Jetson’s Utopia, or Are We Closer to the 1980s?

Agriculture – Are We Done with Manual Field Labor?

Defense Industry – Are Autonomous Systems the Way to Civilize the Uncivilized

Workplace Changes – The New Robotic Employee

Healthcare and The Robotic Revolution

A New Era of Entertainment Begins





  1. The intersection of Biotechnology and A.I. (Sincavage & Muehlfelder & Carter)


Foundations of Biotechnology and A.I. Integration

Biomedical Applications

Drug Discovery and Development

Personalized Medicine

Early Biological Threat Detection

Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

Agricultural and Environmental Applications

Current Applications

Future Possibilities and Theoretical Projects

Ethical and Societal Considerations

Future Outlook

Emerging Trends and Future Possibilities

Challenges and Opportunities for Further Integration

Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration



  1. Leveraging Advanced Technologies to Enhance Food Production (Larson)

Student learning objectives


Challenges in Agriculture and Food Security

Active strategies to improve agricultural productivity

What is digital agriculture?

Sensor-generated maps for improved efficiency of natural resources

Using advanced technologies to reduce agriculture-affiliated pests

Role of artificial intelligence in pest identification in livestock

Advanced Technologies that provide alternative labor solutions

Integrating technologies: Smart aquaculture system example


  1. A Systems Dynamics View of Humanitarian Efforts (Ryan)

Student Learning Objectives


Balanced Humanitarian Technology Security (BHTS)

System Dynamics Analysis

Understanding Systems

Understanding Dynamics

The Elements of System Dynamics Modeling

Causal Loop Diagrams

Stock and Flow Modeling

Use of System Dynamic Modeling

Using System Dynamics Analysis to Explore Humanitarian Assistance

Predicting the Future



For Further Reading

  1. Look Before You Leap, Demystifying Quantum Computing’s Enigmatic Frontier (Sharkey)



Computing: Classical Computing vs. Q.C. and everything in between

Foundations of Classical Computing

Processing Power and Limitations

Approaching Computational Limits

Moore’s Law

Murphy’s Law

Setting the Stage for Q.C.

Enter in Q.M.

The Postulates of QM

Dirac (Bra-Ket) notation

Hilbert space

Angular Momentum

Magnetic spin

Look before you leap: Symmetry Operation of the Total Wave Function and the Generalized Pauli Exclusion Principle

Bridging Q.M. and Q.C.

Core Concepts of Q.C.

Look Before You Leap: Clarifying Misconceptions About Quantum Speed

Revolutionizing Industries

Enhancing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Impact on Cryptography

Sensing and Data Processing

Enhancements to Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)

Enhancements to Critical Infrastructure

Summary of Computing

Quantum Technologies

Superconducting Qubits

Types of Superconductors

Applications of Superconductivity

Fabrication of Superconducting Qubits

Trapped Ions

Manufacturing Trapped Ions Qubits

Advantages of Using Trapped Ions as Qubits

Fundamental Operations with Trapped Ions

Photonic Systems

Future Perspectives

Algorithms and Applications

Shor’s Algorithm

Grover’s Algorithm

Quantum Fourier Transform

The Traveling Salesman Problem

Variational Quantum Eigenvector



  1. Social Media Influence & Humanity: Has It Worn Out Its Welcome? (Lonstein)


Section 1: Assessing the Current State of Social Media

The Rise of Social Media

Challenges and Criticisms

Section 2: Has Social Media Outlived Its Usefulness?

Pros and Cons of Social Media

Connectivity and Communication



Privacy Risks




Reputation & Data Security Risks

Algorithm Dependence




Regulatory Challenges

Surveillance and Censorship

Public Disorder

Section 3: Solutions for Social Media

Can It Be Fixed?


Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA)

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

New York SHIELD Act

Digital Services Act (DSA)– European Union

Online Safety Bill – United Kingdom

Online Safety Act 2021- Australia

Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)- Germany

Information Technology Rules 2021-India

Proposed Bill to Address Online Harms – Canada

The Common Flaw of Social Media Legislation:

Ambiguity and Vagueness

Jurisdictional Issues

Platform Resistance – Censorship by Proxy – Collaboration with Government

Dr. Do not harm; less may be more


Questions for students


  1. Feed the Planet (Knaple)

Feed The Planet (FTP)

Hanging Gardens of Africa

Hanging Gardens Magic

Smart Supply Chain

Vertical Solar and Wind Incorporated into FTP

Smart Village to Smart City

Automated Parks Project (APP)

School-in-a-box (SIAB)

Lab-in-a-Box (LIAB)

Manned and UAV-EMT Units

Lake Kivu-UUV-Energy






Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Advanced Technologies for Humanity Copyright © 2024 by Nichols, R.K.; Ackerman, P.E, Andrews, E., Carter, C.M., DeMaio, D.D., Knaple, B.S.,  Larson, H., Lonstein, W.D., McCreight, R., Muehlfelder, T., Mumm, H.C., Murthy, R., Ryan, J.J.C.H., Sharkey, K.L., Sincavage, S.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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