

From Senior Professor of Practice Randall K. Nichols:                                             

I dedicate this book to All USA serving and retired military personnel, USA Coast Guard, and federal, state, and local law enforcement for keeping our blessed country safe; to my Angel wife of 40 years, Montine, and children Robin, Kent, Phillip (USA Army), Diana (USA Army), and Michelle who have lived with a Dragon and survived; to our newest family members Kira Nichols; grandson Greyson Kent Nichols (one-year-old & future USA Army); and finally, to all my students (over 53 years ~11,000 Dragons / Dragonesses in the field) who are securing our United States from global terrorism and evil.

I stand solidly with the Nation of Israel and the Jewish population who have suffered so horribly by Palestinian terrorists (Hamas) children-kidnappers, rapists, and murderers on 7 October 2023 and the following days. I apologize for the antisemitism chanted by the useful idiots and political pimples in our country who have no clue what their despicable words mean or the pain caused. God will judge them in the end, and theirs will be a unique ring in Hell.

I dedicate my writing to the Ukrainian people suffering and fighting with such bravery against overwhelming Russian savagery in a war they did not choose.

In addition, in 2017, 17 sailors died because of two separate collisions involving US Navy warships in the South China Seas, the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain. In my professional opinion, the US Navy’s official response regarding natural causes was insufficient. Since 2017, I have dedicated my research to giving purpose, closure, truth, and voice to the families of these Honorable sailors. God grant them peace.

Lastly, I sincerely thank my excellent, talented Wildcat writing team. It has been a real Honor. My chapter on this earth is closing, and I have been truly blessed to work with you all. My cup runneth over.

From Dr Patricia E. Ackerman:

I dedicate Chapter 4 to my extraordinary family, friends, and colleagues who never fail to support my life-long quest for knowledge. You know who you are and how much I love you.

From SGT Evan Andrews:

I dedicate this chapter to my son, Gideon Theodore Roosevelt Andrews. He has been my motivation and inspiration in my life. With your humor, positivity, and love, I am blessed to be your father.

From Professor Candice M. Carter:

I dedicate this work to an exceptional leader, mentor, and master of Bushido, Professor Randall K. Nichols. His commitment to training dragons to succeed in asymmetric warfare and life is unprecedented. For Dr. Suzanne Sincavage, co-author, a guiding mentor for biodefense research and life. To Treadstone71 for being a guiding light through the dark parts of the web. Finally, to the Los Libros, I love you immensely, my shining stars.

From  Colonel Doug DeMaio:

My chapter is dedicated to Colonel Robert Bamberg, a friend, colleague, and fellow warrior. You left us too soon, and I will watch over your family until we meet again. Your friend, Cinco.

From Brent S. Knaple:

I dedicate my chapter to the teachers who taught us how to be a better person and aim higher. To the medical workers who unselfishly give all their heart to keep us healthy. To all the military and police who toe the line daily to keep us safe.

From Dr. Haley Larson:

I dedicate this work to my loving husband Cody – your support of my spirited pursuit of knowledge makes such efforts possible. To my children Owen, Everett, Luke, and Kate – I hope you are inspired to pursue a lifetime of learning, as you never know where your knowledge may lead you.

From Wayne D. Lonstein, Esq.:

I dedicate this work to my wife and best friend Julie, my sons Ethan, Ari, Sam, extended family and co-workers, and co-authors from whom I have learned so much. To all those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving this nation and those who have, are, or will serve in our armed forces, police, fire, and other emergency functions and their families who silently sacrifice. May our work in some way help you perform your duties more effectively and safely, and through your service, may the world become a more peaceful and harmonious place for all.

From Dr. Robert McCreight:

I dedicate my chapter to all US service personnel who fought in or supported combat operations with unflagging thanks to their families for the sacrifice that cannot be measured. Honorable military service must be acknowledged and respected as a tireless effort to keep our nation safe and secure tomorrow’s peace as a sacred duty. The American warfighters are the heart and soul of the fight against evil oppressors.

There are sincere thanks to professional, serious, and dedicated members of law enforcement whose daily routine involves our first line of domestic security and societal stability. These unselfish warriors and police never get the full thanks and gratitude they genuinely deserve. Thanks, and a salute from a grateful nation.

From Trevor Muehlfelder: 

To Randall Nichols and Suzanne Sincavage, whose unwavering support and inspiration lit the path for this journey. And to all the men and women who greet each day with hope in their hearts and determination in their work, laboring tirelessly to mend the wounds of this world and plant seeds of kindness in stony soils for the benefit of humanity.

From Dr. Hans C. Mumm:

I dedicate this work to my students, colleagues, and all those innovators, those dreamers who race against time as they create an ever-changing and evolving future in ways we cannot even imagine today. Your dedication to autonomous systems will positively change the world landscape and humankind.

From Rajesh Murthy:

I may be stating the obvious when I say that all things good come because of the support from family and friends. Without them, my technological adventures to improve the world would be fruitless. This work is dedicated to my wife and children for keeping me grounded and always being there.

From Dr. Julie J. C. H. Ryan:

I dedicate this work to my husband, Dan, and my students, who have taught me much.

From Dr Keeper Sharkey:

I dedicate this work to my father, a Vietnam War Veteran who was paralyzed in the summer of 1969, and to all the men and women who so bravely served in wartime efforts.

From Dr. Suzanne M. Sincavage:

I dedicate this book to men, women, and AI, which are devoted to biodefense and biosecurity. The following individuals and agencies have been invaluable in support of my research. To Senior Professor Randall K. Nichols for his leadership, mentorship, integrity, and significant contributions to this groundbreaking field of AI; To my sons Trevor Muehlfelder, Cole Muehlfelder, and David Sincavage III for their loving encouragement and support; To Steve Herrick for being my rock, To Trevor Muehlfelder and Candice Carter for their esteemed co-Authorship; To Mei Lin Fung and Vint Cerf for their support and wisdom; To Dr. David Bray for all his leadership for the safety of Biotechnology; and To Paul Werbos and Requisite Q for bringing me into the Quantum world. I sincerely am blessed with our partnership. To Harvey Castro and Doug Hohulin for pioneering new frontiers for AI in health care; To DCI, PCI, and AMIA for building a safer, more secure world through their membership; To NIST, NSF, and DOE, your public service to educating future guardians is immeasurable.




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Advanced Technologies for Humanity Copyright © 2024 by Nichols, R.K.; Ackerman, P.E, Andrews, E., Carter, C.M., DeMaio, D.D., Knaple, B.S.,  Larson, H., Lonstein, W.D., McCreight, R., Muehlfelder, T., Mumm, H.C., Murthy, R., Ryan, J.J.C.H., Sharkey, K.L., Sincavage, S.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.