A Guide for Collaborating Authors
Raelynne Hale
Title of Lesson – Heading 1
Description of Lesson – directly below title, in regular paragraph font.
Level – Heading 3
Include the intended level for this activity (beginner, intermediate, advanced, etc.)
Modality – Heading 3
Make sure to include the intended modality of this lesson. Is this designed for an in-person course, a synchronous or asynchronous online course, a hybrid course, etc.
Objectives / Outcomes – Heading 2
- Create a bulleted list of objectives or outcomes for this lesson
- If you need help creating objectives or outcomes, please review Blooms Taxonomy and How to Write Objectives:
Primary Content – Heading 2
Write the primary text and content for your lesson. This can be typed content and explanations, images, embedded YouTube videos, etc.
Primary Activity (formative assessment) – Heading 2
In this section, insert an H5P activity that helps to support your primary content.
To view a quick tutorial on how to insert H5P, please watch the tutorial below. *Meta Meta: The tutorial is a YouTube video that has been converted into an interactive H5P activity.*
Original Tutorial Video: H5P in PressBooks by Tom Woodward
Optional Content 1 – Heading 2
If you have other content to expand on the primary content from above, please include it here.
Optional Activity 1 (formative assessment) – Heading 2
In this section, inserta an additional H5P activity that helps to support your primary content.
Optional Content 2 – Heading 2
If you have other content to expand on the primary content from above, please include it here.
Optional Activity 2 (formative assessment) – Heading 2
In this section, inserta an additional H5P activity that helps to support your primary content.
Reflection Questions – Heading 2
This should be a metacognitive exercise that has students reflect on what they learned.
Include questions for the students to reflect on, discussion questions that could be asked in class, or another reflection activity.
Tips and Instructions for Instructors Using this Resource – Heading 3
Write a short description that would help future educators use this resource.
Author Name – Heading 3
Put your name, a short bio, the language(s) that you teach and the year that you created this lesson.
Optional: Add a photo of yourself to humanize the lesson.